Meet Your Monger: Thomas

When you enter the Cheese Shop, odds are that Thomas’s smiling face will be the first you see. A longtime Meat Monger (and new Assistant Manager!), Thomas is the Renaissance Man of the Cheese Shop; he might sell you cheese on Monday, make you a delicious sandwich on Wednesday, and guide you through reverse searing a ribeye on Saturday. He’s just that kind of guy. His sunny demeanor and staunch work ethic make him a delight to interact with as a customer and a colleague. 

What’s your most-purchased grocery product in the shop?

Probably the chocolate chip cookies. After a long day, who doesn't want to sit down and have a cookie? I know I do. They're easily some of the best cookies I've come across - aside from my Mom's, of course.

What’s something that might surprise us about you?

I'm scared of flying but I want my pilots license. Something about facing your fears head on, right? 

Lobster Roll or BLT?

BLT. When I was growing up I wasn't a fan of tomatoes. At all. So when tomato season rolled around, and my parents wanted to have BLTs, I would simply have a BL, hold the T. I have since learned the error of my way, and now I look forward to tomato season every year. 

Describe the Cheese Shop team in three words.

Industrious. Gracious. Sharp. 

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