Let's Go To A Cheese Conference!

by Benjamin Roberts

When I told friends that I was headed to a cheese conference in Des Moines I was besieged by a myriad of questions. What does one do at a cheese conference? Will you just eat cheese the entire time? What kind of people attend a cheese conference?


I’ve been slinging cheese for 15 years now and so my sense of what happens at nonfood conferences is pretty limited. I imagine sterile hotel ballrooms overflowing with business casual and PowerPoint presentations packed with bar graphs and bullet points. I also imagine that there is 99% less cheese at these than at the annual American Cheese Society conference.


Each summer cheesemakers, wholesalers, and retailers (that’s me!) gather for three days of education, inspiration, and networking. This year folks from all over the country gathered just 3.5 hours south down I-35 in Des Moines, Iowa. My traveling companions for this trip were my two longest tenured employees—our St Paul Director of Operations, Nick, and our Catering and Gifts Director, Carol Ann. Combined, we have a tenure of over 35 years working for France 44.


Perhaps you are super curious to hear about buffet line breakfasts and what kind of swag was in our welcome bag. You’ll have to email me separately for those details along with my hot take on the opening keynote speech. Here you will just have to settle for the highlights.


1.     The unequivocal best moment of the conference was an educational seminar on coagulants.  Don’t know what a coagulant is? It’s the rennet that turns milk into cheese. Trevor (aka Milk Trekker) was one of the most dynamic and engaging educators I’ve ever listened to. Don’t believe me? Check out his Instagram and prepare to have your mind blown.

2.     Back in May I was a judge (right here in Minneapolis!) for the annual American Cheese Society Judging and Competition. The winners were announced at the conference, and I was honored to attend the ceremony and watch all of these talented and hardworking cheesemakers accept their awards.

3.     Trying all the phenomenal cheese at the Meet the Maker event. Imagine a huge conference room filled with many of the best cheesemakers in the country offering samples of their wares. Our bellies were full by the time we were done making the rounds. There is probably no better event in the country to taste such consistently spectacular cheese.


This is all sounds pretty great, right? We’re lucky to exist in a kind, supportive industry that is filled with delicious things to eat. Next year’s conference is in Buffalo, New York in case you were thinking of attending. Maybe we will see you there?


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