Meet your Monger: Nora

We’re so glad you joined the staff at France 44. What has been something that’s surprised you here?

I’m glad to be here! I've been most surprised by the sheer size of the operation--and how many items are produced in-house.

What does your life look like outside of work? How do you enjoy spending your time?

Outside of work I dig into other projects, make rugs, try out new restaurants, shop vintage, and re-watch episodes of Degrassi.

What’s your favorite France 44 Sando or Salad?

Can’t go wrong with the Tuna Báhn Mi.

You’ve worked previously in media and publishing; what other ways do you express your creative self?

I try to keep my toe in the business with freelance editing gigs, but rugging and sketching have scratched the creative itch. I'm currently looking to get back into the ceramics scene.

Pineapple on pizza?

Who am I to stop you?

What’s your favorite Twin Cities restaurant, or your go-to spot?

Big question, I'll answer in a list: Lepot, Quang, Sooki & Mimi (basement bar), Reverie, Victor's, Black Sea...

Is there a cheese we carry that has blown you away?

The Alex.

Do you have a favorite retail item?

Brown butter crispy, hands down.

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